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    Predicting Public Servants’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior through Work-Life Balance Initiatives: Evidence from Medics in Tanzania’s Government Hospitals
    (University of dar es Salaam, 2022) Mella, Castissima; Sanga, John J.; Kessy, Severine S.
    Abstract Despite gaining substantial recognition and being highly advocated for adoption, the concepts of work-life balance and organizational citizenship behavior are still underresearched in public service, especially in developing countries. This study examines the influence of work-life balance on dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior among medical staff members in Tanzania. A cross-sectional survey was employed to collect data from 335 stratified randomly selected medics working in hospitals operating under Local Government Authorities. The Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modelling technique was used in data analysis with the help of Amos software version 21. Results show that work-life balance initiatives have a positive and significant influence on organizational citizenship behavior. The study findings provide evidence of the applicability of the link between work-life balance and organizational citizenship behavior, as postulated in Social Exchange Theory, in the under-researched public service. The study implication for different stakeholders is presented at the end of the paper.
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    The Influence of Pull Factors on Inter-organisational Labour Mobility in the Public Sector: The Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership
    (University of dar es Salaam, 2022) Massae, Rosemary; Francis, Michael; Sanga, John J.
    This study assesses how pull factors affect inter-organisational labour mobility, including the role of transformational leadership as a moderator. With the aid of SmartPLS3.2.7, quantitative data from a survey of 333 employees of government agencies were analysed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling. The results revealed that both compensation and training and development positively influence inter-organisational labour mobility. Furthermore, results indicated a significant moderating effect of transformational leadership on the influence of compensation on inter-organisational labour mobility, and that transformational leadership moderates the influence of training and development on inter-organisational labour mobility. Consistent with Social Exchange Theory and Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, the results have revealed the relevance of pull factors in explaining inter-organisational labour mobility. Furthermore, the research has provided human resource managers, all managerial personnel and policymakers with insights into the interaction effect between pull factors and transformational leadership on inter-organisational labour mobility to enhance employee retention. The results suggest that organisations should establish transformational leadership training programs, so as to equip all managerial personnel with vital employee retention skills. The the study has theoretically verified that under the influence of the Social Exchange Theory, transformational leadership can interact with pull variables and diminish their effects on inter-organisational labour mobility in the Tanzanian setting, thus adding new knowledge to the current labour mobility model. The limitations of this study form avenues for further research. For instance, considering the interaction effect of Pull and push factors and Transformational Leadership on inter-organisational labour mobility may generate additional insights.
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    E-commerce service quality influence on domestic tourists satisfaction in Tanzania: a pursuit to sustaining tourism growth amid COVID-19 pandemic
    (Inderscience Publishers (IEL), 2023) Masele, Juma James; Mrisha, Hamza Frank; Warren, Tibesigwa
    This paper assesses the influence of e-commerce service quality on domestic tourists' satisfaction in Tanzania. This was important following closure of international tourism amid COVID-19. A multiple regression analysis to data collected from 150 local tourists in Dar es Salaam assessed influence of variables (reliability of e-services, perceived transaction security, responsiveness of e-services, and e-service ease of use) on customer satisfaction. Findings reveal variables' positive and significant influence statistically at p < 0.05. This implies that domestic tourists' satisfaction through e-commerce service quality in Tanzania is facilitated by reliability of e-services, perceived transaction security, responsiveness of e-services and e-service ease of use. Tourism managers need to ensure that all important pre-requisites necessary for tourism e-service quality provision are in place. The government and other responsible stakeholders need to invest in facilitative digital facilities to ensure optimal e-service quality are reliable at all times.
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    Media firms’ preparedness and coping strategies in the emergence of social media: a case of Tanzania
    (Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2023-01-07) Masele, Juma James; Joseph, Regina
    Unlike the situation in the past, media firms have found themselves in the midst of challenge to withstand pressure resulting from social media’s entry in the journalism business. This study assessed the Tanzania’s media firms’ preparedness and coping strategies in the emergence of social media. A five-point Likert scale questionnaire was answered by 106 respondents from selected media firms in Dar es Salaam, namely: Independent Television (ITV), Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC), TBC Fm, Clouds Fm, Mwananchi Newspaper, Tanzania Standard Newspaper, and Uhuru newspaper. A descriptive and multiple regression analysis was used. Findings indicate convergence and partnering of traditional media with social media positively and significantly influencing media firms’ competitiveness in the era of social media in Tanzania. The majority of respondents practiced some form of convergence and partnering for lowering operational costs, more profit generation, and differentiation of what they offer. The study concluded that social media is a necessary complement to media firms that may enhance their competitiveness. Appropriate policies and regulations need to be in place to ensure successive incorporation for good journalism and informed societies.
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    Sources of information and the influence of misinformation on COVID-19 vaccine uptake hesitancy among frontline workers in Tanzania: evidences from Dar es Salaam and Dodoma
    (Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022-11-30) Masele, Juma James; Daud, Elia
    Purpose – This study aims to assess the sources of COVID-19 information respondents relied for COVID-19 pandemic information access and use, forms of misinformation and their influence on COVID-19 vaccine uptake hesitancy among frontline workers. Design/methodology/approach – A Google Form developed questionnaire, distributed conveniently through link shared through WhatsApp groups was used to collect data from frontline workers from Dar es Salaam and Dodoma cities. Analysis was done using a binary regression analysis. Findings – It was found that it was not the source that mattered for one to be hesitancy or not on COVID-19 vaccination, but the extent to which the information the source channels was manipulated or false. Research limitations/implications – Relying only Google Form questionnaire sent through a link on WhatsApp may have compromised the quality of information gathered and the quality of conclusion. Another study may have conducted through researcher administered questionnaire to a bigger sample to increase conclusion reliability and validity. Practical implications – This study urges that to increase the COVID-19 vaccine uptake, it is important to ensure that the quality of information from the revealed dependable sources is checked to avoid possible consequential disquiet resulting from misinformation. Originality/value – As the world is striving toward combating the COVID-19 or at least lessening its effects, this paper is of its own kind, using the theory of informative fictions to guide the assessment of the sources of information and the extent to which they influence misinformation on COVID-19 vaccine uptake hesitancy.
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    Usability of Social Media for Promoting Higher Learning Institutions’ Activities in Tanzania: A Diffusion of Innovation Perspective
    (Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2022-10-15) Masele, Juma James
    This study investigates usability of social media in promotion activities among Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) in Tanzania. Guided by Diffusion of Innovation Perspective, a multi-case study was conducted with four HLIs ranging from public to private offering institutions. Analysis was done using content analysis in line with each research question and the theory of diffusion applied. Findings revealed that social media are perceived the second to traditional media in relative advantage despite being considered easy to use and try. With respect to compatibility, analysis shows the dominance of traditional media whereby social media platforms are not still considered formal and not matching HLIs image. It was also showed that HLIs social media effects are observable through posting college life, upcoming and past events, and publishing new programs. The social media effectiveness included wider reach, receiving questions, feedback, increasing visibility, turnout of people during events and responses to different posts made. The study urges HLIs to actively incorporate social media platforms in the traditional marketing platforms so as to improve their promotions’ effectiveness. Provision of financial and managerial resources is important to make sure their units are active.
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    Testing efficiency in the health sector: a case of Uganda's health centre IVs
    (Inderscience Publishers (IEL), 2022-03-29) Masele, Juma James
    This paper examined the technical efficiency and scale efficiency of health centre IVs in Uganda. Using data from the Annual Health sector performance report for the financial year 2019-2020 and Health Sector Grant and Budget Guidelines to Local Governments report 2019-2020, the technical efficiency, scale efficiency and projections of the quantities of health centre input and outputs needed to make inefficient health centres efficient were determined. An output-oriented Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with Variable Returns to Scale (VRS) was used to analyse the data for pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency for a sample of 28 health centre IVs. It was revealed that 14 (50%) health centre IVs were VRS technically inefficient while 15 (54%) were scale inefficient. The average pure technical efficiency score of 92% implied that the health centres are in position to increase their output levels by 8% with the same amount of inputs (beds and annual budget allocation).
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    Information Sharing in the Social Media Era: A User in African Perspective
    (University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal, 2021-07-02) Masele, Juma James
    While the role of information for the functioning of any social system is enormous, individuals do not possess all the information that they require. It has to be shared. Using a systematic literature review this study presents an African perspective of information sharing in the era of social media. Electronic journals and reports written in English language and published from 2004 to 2021 were searched and reviewed. The study selection criteria flown directly from the review questions and was specified a priori. A Pareto analysis was used for summarizing, the vital and least important motivational factor for information sharing on social media platform. The study found that unlike the preceding era, social media makes information sharing ease, ubiquitous and convenient. Motivational factors to share information using social media included source credibility; networking motives, altruism, reciprocity, self-promotion, socializing, monetary rewards, perceptions of information quality and entertainment among others. Yet, Information sharing in Africa is contextually controlled by attitudes, perceptions, norms, values and belief systems inherent to local culture that in turn influence access, use and acceptance of shared information. Challenges revealed were mainly related to security; infrastructure, technical skills, resource related and inadequate supportive policies. The study concludes by proposing a conceptual model that explains information sharing in the African perspective.
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    Demographics as Moderator Between Perceived Easy of Use, Individual Awareness and Adoption of Mobile Financial Services
    (2021) Witts, Wilberforce; Kessy, Severine S. A.
    The number of mobile financial services users is keeping increasing in Tanzania. Despite such an increase, few individuals actively use mobile financial services. The adoption of these services may be contributed by either the different features of mobile financial services or demographics orientation. The current study used Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and AMOS-SEM for data analysis. The findings revealed that the antecedents of mobile financial services, namely individual awareness and perceived ease of use significantly influence individual mobile financial services adoption. Demographics orientation was also found to have moderating effect on the relationship between individual awareness and perceived ease of use, and individual mobile financial services adoption. The paper makes a contribution in the theory used and contributes knowledge to the Tanzania national second financial inclusion policy 2018-2022 by considering demographics variables in analyzing different issues.
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    Human resource management practices and employees’ engagement in small and medium enterprises in Tanzania
    (2020) Msangi, Judith J.; Kessy, Severine S. A.; Kitindi, Ernest
    Employees’ engagement is a very important concept in business management. It plays a vital role in determining the performance of business organizations including small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Despite its importance in business management, there is limited knowledge on how human resource management (HRM) practices influence the two major categories of employees’ engagement: job engagement and organizational engagement. This study examined the influence of HRM practices on employees’ engagement in Tanzanian SMEs. Data were collected from 483 SMEs using survey method and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results revealed that employees’ communication had positive influence on both organizational engagement and job engagement. Also organizational support had significant influence on both organizational engagement and job engagement. The conclusion is that the presence of support and communication are the only HRM practices which have a significant influence on both job engagement and organizational engagement. Hence, SMEs can use employees’ communication and organizational support to influence organizational engagement.
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    Risk Management Practices in Agricultural Financing in Developing Countries: Experience from Selected Commercial Banks in Tanzania
    (2021) Kessy, Severine S. A.
    This study examines risk management tools to mitigate agricultural financing risks. The study analyses risks that lenders face, tools for managing the risks and the correlation between agricultural lending and risk mitigation tools. The used data come from a sample of 55 employees from three selected banks, which is analysed using frequency tables and Chi-square. The findings show that banks face production risks in terms of variability in outputs due to drought and diseases. Tools for managing the risks include collateral, appraisal techniques, diversification of agricultural activities, group liability, guarantee/cash deposits, loan structuring and warehouse receipts. The Chi-square test finds a correlation between risk mitigation tools and agricultural lending; hence, mitigation tools enhance lending to the agricultural sector. Therefore, to manage agricultural risks, banks should deploy these tools optimally. Additionally, exposing farmers to free market practices will enable them to cover costs of their operations, and to repay the loans.
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    The Influence of Relationship Marketing Strategies on the Performance of Commercial Banks in Tanzania
    (2019) Kessy, Severine S. A.
    This paper examined the relationship between customer relationship management strategies and the performance of commercial banks in Tanzania. The study used primary data collected using a questionnaire from randomly selected 100 respondents, who were bank officers from 10 commercial banks. Data were analysed descriptively and by regression analysis. Results show that commercial banks are applying different methods of customer relationship management strategies, including customization, partnership, employee satisfaction, interactive management, key account management and attracting and maintaining the right employees. The results further show that the absence of frequent information upgrading, inadequate funds, absence of qualified workers, inadequate commitments by management, and the absence of proper information systems were the challenges limiting full application of customer relationship management strategies. It was generally observed that there is a positive relationship between customer relationship management strategies and bank performance. In this case, the use of customer relationship management strategies contributes to banking performance. However, identified challenges should be addressed by commercial banks to take advantages of benefits associated with customer relationship management strategies.
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    Effects of human resources management practices on supply chain flexibility: evidence from tourist hotels in Tanzania
    (2020) Magova, Gerald B.; Kessy, Severine S. A.
    The study was designed to examine the effects of human resource management practices on supply chain flexibility. Specifically, it sought to determine the influence of participation practices, selective hiring practices, compensation practices, job security practices and teamwork practices on supply chain flexibility of tourist hotels in Tanzania. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey approach, where 228 respondents were involved. Hypotheses linking human resources management practices and supply chain flexibility were developed and tested using a structural equation modelling technique. The findings indicate that selective hiring practices, job security practices and teamwork practices have a significant positive influence on supply chain flexibility. The findings imply that employees with appropriate skills, knowledge, abilities and cultural fit, who are highly motivated through job security and compensation practices are important in ensuring supply chain flexibility in hotel settings. Therefore, directors and managers in the hotel industry are urged to deploy human resources management practices as strategies to increase supply chain flexibility as tactical measures to satisfy customers and win their loyalty.
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    The Roles of Occupational Health and Safety Management System in Reducing Workplace Hazards in Tanzania Manufacturing Industries
    (2021) Kessy, Severine S. A.; Raymond, Rutasimbala
    Work related injuries, damages of properties, diseases and death are increasing. They are caused by working tools, environment or human actions which are used in the production activities. In this regard, there is a need to come out with measures to address the problem, through which workplace hazards can be reduced. The current study therefore assessed the roles of occupational health and safety management system in reducing workplace hazards. Specifically, the study identified the roles of occupational health and safety management guidelines, programmes and administrations in reducing workplace hazards. A questionnaire distributed to 285 respondents was used to collect primary data from big five manufacturing companies in Dar es Salaam. While the respondents were selected both conveniently and purposefully, the manufacturing companies were selected purposefully. The data were analyzed by using Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS – SEM). Tables were used to describe demographic characteristics of the respondents. The findings of this study indicate that effective use and implementation of OHS guidelines, programmes and administration are crucial in reducing workplace accidents, injuries, damages and work-related diseases. The study recommend that companies have to administer, use and implement appropriate occupational health and safety policies, guidelines and programmes so as to reduce accidents, injuries, damages of properties and work-related diseases.
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    Adoption of Internet Banking Service in Tanzania: The Influencing Factors among Customers of Commercial Banks
    (2021) Kessy, Severine S. A.
    Information technology advancement has transformed the way banks deliver their services to their customers; as a result, internet banking is now in use. However, this type of banking is not fully utilised by customers in accessing banking products and services. This paper examined factors associated with customers’ adoption to internet banking services in Tanzania. Precisely, it assessed the influence of social environment, technology exposure and system capability on the adoption of internet banking services by customers. Cross section research design was used through survey strategy to collect data from the respondents. In this case, a questionnaire was administered among a total of 200 respondents from two big banks that were involved in the study. Data analysis was performed by using partial least squares structural equation to examine the relationship between internet banking adoption and influencing factors which included social environment, technology exposure and system capability. The results indicate that social environment, technology exposure and system capability are positively related to adoption of internet banking services by customers. The existing relationships and the results revealed the way in which the rate of adoption of internet banking services by customers can be increased. Among the observed challenges for adoption of internet banking services include limited awareness among the customers, network failure and instability as well as layout of web pages. It is therefore recommended that, banks should invest in bringing awareness to customers regarding the service by providing information and instructions, reducing the impact of network failure and having a well-designed and user-friendly website for easier use.
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    Electronic Payment and Revenue Collection in Local Government Authorities in Tanzania: Evidence from Kinondoni Municipality
    (Department of Economics-University of Dar es Salaam, 2019) Kessy, Severine S. A.
    This paper examines the role of e-payment on revenue collection in Kinondoni Municipal, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. A semi-structured questionnaire was distributed to revenue collectors and administrators using simple random sampling procedure; obtaining a total of 77 respondents. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and linear regression. The findings revealed that most of the respondents admitted that e-payment influences revenue collection by enabling the Municipal increase tax compliance. It was further revealed that e-payment can provide additional competitive edge in monitoring revenue sources, and improving the quality of financial reporting. Furthermore, the findings revealed a positive linear relationship between e-payment and revenue collection in terms of tax compliance, monitoring of revenue sources, and financial reporting. The study indicated that all e-payment modes are aligned with tax compliance. Apart from positive achievements of e-payment, poor connectivity, limited awareness, lack of technical assistance, poor experience of the technology by tax collectors, and unreliable power supply were considered as challenges in implementing e-payment system. Thus, to hasten the use of e-payment system in revenue collection, it is crucial to address the identified challenges and conduct training to all tax collectors and tax payers. Also, the geographical information system (GIS) should be integrated in the e-payment system to automate the process of allocating revenue sources.
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    Top Management Characteristics and Firms’ Performance in Tanzania: A Case of Selected Firms
    (University of Dar es Salaam Business School, 2015) Philemon, John R.; Kessy, Severine S.
    This study examined the influence of top management teams of financial institutions, tourism enterprises and manufacturing firms on these firms’ performance. Informed by Hambrick’s Upper Echelons Theory, various studies have examined the relationship between top managers and organisational performance and the findings have been only been contentious but also offered contradictory conclusions. A total of 363 managers from the three sectors of the economy were surveyed in Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Mwanza, and Kilimanjaro using a structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics (Frequencies, Percentages, Means, and Standard Deviations) and inferential statistics (Structural Equation Modelling) were employed to establish the existing relationships between demographics and entrepreneurial orientations of managers and the firms’ performance. The findings show that management demographic characteristics and entrepreneurship orientations bear a significant influence on the firms’ performance. It is, therefore, recommended from these findings that a mix of the top management should take into account age limit, experience and a desirable socio-economic background.
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    Digital platforms and effectiveness of marketing communication in the telecom industry in tanzania: Evidence from Vodacom company
    (University of Dar es Salaam Business School, 2019) Mbura, Omari K.; Kessy, Severine S.
    Internet marketing uses a powerful tool called social media, which provides new opportunities for users to engage in social networking through the Internet. This paper examines the role of digital platforms on the effectiveness of marketing communication in Telecommunication Industry in Tanzania. It specifically ascertains the extent to which peoples’ awareness; attitude and skills towards digital platforms influence the effectiveness of marketing communication. The study was conducted in the Tanzania largest city of Dar es Salaam using Vodacom as a study ground. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 390 respondents and response rate was (365)93.6%). Data were quantitatively analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The findings of the study revealed that, all the three independent variables were found to have positive influence on the effectiveness of marketing communication with coefficient of less than 1 %. Nevertheless, only two variables namely the users’ attitude and skills were strong predictors of effectiveness of marketing communication. The level of customers’ awareness on digital platforms had positive but insignificant influence on the effectiveness of marketing communication. From these findings it is recommended that, the organization’s management has to take the best side in capitalizing on peoples’ skills and attitude, as failure to do so may lead to failure in realizing the desired outcome of marketing efforts hence incur irrecoverable monetary cost to the organization.
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    Assessment of the Relationship between Leadership Styles and Employees’ Job Satisfaction in Tanzanian Local Private Companies: A case of Dar es Salaam Region
    (University of Dar es Salaam Business School, 2018) Majaliwa, Emmanuel; Kessy, Severine S. A.
    The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between leadership styles and employees’ job satisfaction in the Tanzanian local private companies located in Dar es Salaam region. The study was pragmatic in nature as both quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analyzed. The explanatory research design was applied and a sample of 152 employees were randomly selected and 8 managers were selected using judgmental sampling technique. The data from employees were collected using questionnaires whereas interview was used as the data collection method for managers. Data were analyzed using a multiple regression technique to show the relationship between leadership styles and employees’ job satisfaction. The findings of the study revealed the positive relationship between both transformational leadership and transactional leadership and employees’ job satisfaction. However, transformational leadership indicated more influence on employees’ job satisfaction than transactional leadership. Specifically, the study revealed that two attributes of transformational leadership (idealized influence and intellectual stimulation) showed a positive and significant relationship while the rest were insignificant. Meanwhile, contingent rewards and MBE-Active were significant and positively related to employees’ job satisfaction while MNE-Passive was insignificant. It was concluded that managers of the local private companies in Tanzania should use both transactional and transactional leadership styles with more focus on idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, contingent rewards and MBE-Active.
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    (University of Dar es Salaam Business School, 2017) Tarimo, Brigitha; Kessy, Severine S. A.
    This paper examined the relationship between employee engagement and employee performance whereby job demand and resources model together with social exchange theory guided the study. The study used primary data collected from 106 employees from telecommunication companies that are practicing proper human resources management. The data collected through questionnaires were analysed by multiple regression analysis. Also descriptive statistics were generated for description of the respondents’ profile. The findings show that employee engagement, in its dimensions (vigour, dedication and absorption), has a significant relationship with employee performance measured in terms of employee productivity, innovation and turnover. In this regard, employee engagement is positively related to productivity and innovation, while it is negatively related to turnover. On the basis of the findings, it is recommended that management of public and private organisations in Tanzania should promote employees engagement in their companies as it is the base for employees’ performance which in turn lead to improved organisation performance.