Design and preliminary results of an integrated mariculture pond system (IMPS) at Makoba, Zanzibar,Tanzania

Mariculture development in Zanzibar Island, Tanzania, is limited by the lack of appropriate technology for local conditions and cost-effective solutions for preventing nutrient enrichment of the marine environment. An integrated mariculture pond system (IMPS) concept originally developed in Israel is considered as a possible model for mariculture development in Zanzibar. An experimental IMPS has been established near the estuary of Kiwani Creek at Makoba on the west coast of the island. Water supply is provided by a reservoir fed by tidal fluctuations in the creek. The experimental system consists of six ponds of 170m3 each, for the culture of fish, shellfish and seaweed. The ponds were stocked during June and July 1998 with 4000 fingerlings of rabbitfish (Siganus sp.) and with different species of shellfish and seaweed. Water quality parameters in the ponds, such as temperature, oxygen and salinity, were kept within acceptable limits by a periodic water supply. Fish were fed daily with a diet developed for this project. Preliminary results indicate reasonable growth of the fish but also mortality of fish, shellfish and seaweed.
mariculture, pond system, Zanzibar
Mmochi, A.J., Mozes, N., Powell, H., Dubi, A.M., Gordin, H., Jiddawi, N., Kissil, G., Msuya, F. and Mwangamilo, J., 2001. Design and preliminary results of an integrated mariculture pond system (IMPS) at Makoba, Zanzibar, Tanzania. Richmond, MD and Francis J. Proceedings of the 20 th Anniversary on Advances of Marine Sciences in Tanzania. WIOMSA Book Series, (1), pp.431-450.