Employees’ perceptions of empowerment practices, organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviour in tanzania’s tourist hotels

Employee behaviour is important to organizations and researchers because of its effects on organizational effectiveness in terms of productivity, quality and profitability. Inducing constructive behaviour among employees in organizations has long been a concern of management scholars and practitioners. The main goal of this study was to assess how employees’ perceptions of organizational conditions can predict their behaviours. Building on the social exchange theory (SET) this thesis suggested that different management practices arouse different sorts of perceptions among employees, and these perceptions in turn are associated with different forms of employees’ contribution to organizational performance. Particularly, it proposed theoretical linkages between empowerment practices and employees’ perceptions of organizational justice which in turn predict organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB). Four hundred twenty one employees working in tourist hotels in Tanzania were surveyed. A hypothesized model that included empowerment practices and organizational justice as predictors of OCB was evaluated using structural equation modelling. The results partially supported the hypothesized model, indicating that employees’ perceptions of empowerment practices and organizational justice predict OCB. The results showed that organizational justice mediated the relationship between two indicators of empowerment practices (access to opportunity and access to support) and OCB. No support was found for a mediating role of organizational justice in the relationship between perception of the two indicators of empowerment practices (resource availability and access to information) and OCB. These relationships fit well with the social exchange theory (Blau, 1964) wherein empowerment practices as signs of organization’s commitment toward employees are reflected in OCB. The study has also demonstrated the relevance of examining empowerment practices as a multidimensional construct. The management and policy implications and directions for future research have also been discussed. The study argues for policies and practices that enhance empowerment and fair treatment of employees in workplaces.
Social exchange theory, organizational citizenship behaviour, empowerment practices and organizational justice
Sanga, J. J. (2014). Employees’ perceptions of empowerment practices, organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviour in tanzania’s tourist hotels (Doctoral dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam).