Pre-trip vs. post-trip destination image variations: A case of inbound tourists to Tanzania

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Journal of Tourism
Despite the conceptual indications of destination image to vary with factors like travel status and tourist behaviour, there are few studies that have empirically researched the variations in destination image particularly in emerging destinations like those in Africa. Th is study aimed at testing the variation of pre- and post trip destination image held by inbound travellers to Tanzania. Four hypotheses were defi ned to test variation of destination image with travel status, destination familiarity, planning horizon, and sources of travel information. Data were collected from departing inbound tourists at major international airports using a self-administered questionnaire. Data from 294 dully fi lled questionnaires were subjected to descriptive tests, t-tests and ANOVA tests. Th e hypotheses testing the variation between pre and post destination image, visitation status, and planning horizon were partly rejected. The results indicate the post-trip destination image to be more favourable compared to the pre-trip image for some attributes. Diff erences in image were noted to vary between fi rst time and repeat visitors, particularly those related to adventure, natural attractions, and the easiness in intradestination travel. Generally, as the planning horizon increases the destination image becomes more favourable. Th e variation of destination image with sources of travel information was not upheld by the results. The results provide insights into destination marketing and destination experience management to tourism stakeholders.
destination image;, pre-travel, post-travel, tourists, Tanzania
Jan, D. & Nguni, W. (2016), Pre-trip vs. post-trip destination image variations: A case of inbound tourists to Tanzania, Journal of Tourism, Vol. 64/ No. 1/ 2016/ 27 - 40