Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel by an Amine-Fatty Acid in Acidic Solution

The corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in 3% de-aerated NaCl acidic solution with amine–fatty acid corrosion inhibitor, KI384, was investigated at different temperatures using potentiodynamic polarization technique. The Corrosion rate was calculated in the presence and absence of inhibitor. The inhibition increased with an increase in inhibitor concentration and decreased with rise in temperature. The maximum percentage inhibitor efficiency was obtained at 35 oC. The percentage inhibition up to 99% was registered at a concentration of 10 ppm of KI384. The inhibitor acts as a mixed type at lower temperature and predominantly anodic at high temperature. The interrelationship between the surface coverage and concentration of the inhibitor was also studied. It was found that the inhibitor obeys Langmuir adsorption isotherm and adsorbs on the metal surface through physical adsorption.
Buchweishaija, J., 2004. Corrosion inhibition of carbon steel by an amine-fatty acid in acidic solution. Tanzania Journal of Science, 29(1), pp.99-108.