The Timeliness of the Botswana Parastatal Annual Reports:1994-1998

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African Journal of Finance and Management
The corporate annual report is commonly used by business entities ro convey information ro interested persons. An important component of the report are the financial statements and the auditors report. Since rhe report is a primary source of'informarion for shareholders, iris desirable rhar this information is provided on a timely basis. The report should also be of a quality, desirable for meaningful decisions ro be made. This study investigated the time it took parastatals in Botswana to have the annual report available. It also embarked on establishing the quality of the accounts, as indicated by the auditor's opinion report. The results suggest that on average, the Botswana parastatal required 5.35 months to avail the report. This compares unfavourably to other developed countries. However, compared ro some other developing countries, rhe results for Botswana parasrarals are impressive
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Timeliness, Annual reports, Parastatals, Audit reports