Focal Mechanisms, Stress Field and Crustal Rheology in the North Tanzanian Divergence (East African Rift) Inferred from Local Seismicity Analysis

We deployed a temporary local seismic network in the North Tanzanian Divergence (NTD) for 6 months in 2007 (35 stations, SEISMOTANZ'07 experiment). The region is characterized by major changes in the magmatic/tectonic nature of the rift, at the place where the eastern branch of the East African Rift enters the Tanzanian craton. More than 200 earthquakes were accurately located south of Lake Manyara
Albaric, J., Godano, M., Déverchere, J., Perrot, J., Deschamps, A., Sue, C., Le Gall, B., Ferdinand, R.W., Petit, C. and Tiberi, C., 2010, May. Focal mechanisms, stress field and crustal rheology in the North Tanzanian Divergence (East African Rift) inferred from local seismicity analysis. In Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic: hotspot, sea currents and climate change.