An Investigation of the International Visibility, Quality, and Impact of Journals Published in Tanzania

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Taylor & Francis
This study investigated the international visibility, quality, and impact of journals published in Tanzania. The objective of the study was to determine the extent to which the journals are internationally visible, their compliance with publishing standards, and the impact they have made to the academic community. A total of 31 journals from 12 institutions were involved in the study. The questionnaire, interview, observation and database searches were used in data collection. The study found that most of the journals are not internationally visible. Most of them are not included in tools that facilitate visibility of journals. The journals however, meet the standards required in journal publishing. Lack of financial resources, reviewers' delay in returning the manuscripts, shortage of articles for publishing, lack of motivation and skills were identified as the constraints. A number of recommendations are made to alleviate the constraints and improve their visibility.
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Journal visibility, Journal quality, Journal impact, Tanzania, Journal publishing
Msuya, J. and Muneja, P., 2011. An investigation of the international visibility, quality, and impact of journals published in Tanzania. The Serials Librarian, 61(1), pp.58-74.