Coming Full Circle: Agriculture, Non-Farm Activities and the Resurgence of Out-Migration in Njombe District, Tanzania

This report presents the findings of research carried out between December 1996 and December 1997 in two villages (Igosi and Mtwango-Lunguya) in Njombe District, Tanzania. The study is one of four regional studies on agricultural and non-agricultural activities and their change over time within Tanzanian villages. As such there was a standardized research methodology that is outlined in the Appendix. It involved a general broad survey of individuals within the selected villages to determine the pattern of non-agricultural activities over time, a survey of existing non-agricultural enterprises within the village, a survey of Standard Seven school children's career expectations and attitudes towards work, and an in-depth survey of career patterns of different generations within selected households. The report is divided into three main sections - background about the study area, village profiles, and survey findings regarding the local economy, agricultural and non-agricultural production, migration patterns, associational ties, social relations between generations and prospects for agricultural development - followed by a conclusion which includes an analytical summary of findings and recommendations arising from the research.
Tanzania, Employment, Rural areas, Agricultural development
Mung'ong'o, C.G., 1998. Coming full circle: agriculture, non-farm activities and the resurgence of out-migration in Njombe District, Tanzania.