Asynch-NET: Footstep for Always-On e-Services in the Rural Areas of Developing Countries: Case Study-Tanzania

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The asynchronous network (Asynch-NET) provided by mobile access point (MAP) in the community of rural areas of developing countries has proved success in many regions of the developing countries. This asynchronous network is the footstep for e-services implementation in the communities with low-income and low population density. Basically, the cost of implementing a conventional "always-on" link in the rural areas of developing countries is very high that does not attract investors to put effort on. The paper presents a technique that is applied to the Asynch-NET framework so as to provide "the always-on" e-services at the similar operating cost of Asynch-NET.
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Asynch-NET, MAP, WiFi. Always-on
Greyson, Kenedy, Mussa Kissaka, Damian Haule, and Vitalis Ndume. "Asynch-NET: Footstep for Always-On e-Services in the Rural Areas of Developing Countries: Case Study-Tanzania." In Technology for Education in Developing Countries, 2006. Fourth IEEE International Workshop on, pp. 5-6. IEEE, 2006.