Planar Cone-Shaped Monopole Antenna with Tapered Ground for UWB Application

Compared to the narrow band antenna design, ultra wideband (UWB) antenna design has a lot of challenges. One of such challenge is the requirement that the return loss must be below 10dB bandwidth from 3.1-10.6GHz throughout the UWB frequency range. Other challenges include low cost, small size, light weight and good radiation patterns [1]. One of the characteristic of conventional planar monopole antenna have narrow impedance bandwidth due to their high quality factor [2].
Antenna measurements, Antenna radiation patterns, Bandwidth, Loss measurement, Ultra wideband antennas
Iddi, H.U., Kamarudin, M.R., Rahman, T.A. and Dewan, R., 2012, October. Planar cone-shaped monopole antenna with tapered ground for UWB application. In Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), 2012 International Symposium on (pp. 834-837). IEEE.