Petrophysical Analysis of Mpera Well in the Exploration Block 7, Offshore Tanzania: Implication on Hydrocarbon Reservoir Rock Potential

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Scietntific Research Publishing
The present study provides evaluation and estimation of petrophysical para- meters and assessment of lithology and their thicknesses in order to charac- terize present reservoir rocks at Mpera well located in Exploration Block 7, deep offshore Tanzania. To achieve the objectives the wire-line logs, Techlog program was used for assessment, analysis, computation and interpretations of petrophysical parameters and results were integrated through interpreta- tion of well logs. The results from wire-line logs reveal three (3) non hydro- carbon-bearing reservoir rocks i.e., Mpera splay (sandstone), Mpera deep sand 1 (sandstone and limestone) and Mpera deep sand 2 (sandstone and li- mestone) with gross thickness of 94.335 m, 28.905 m and 12.967 m respec- tively. The average permeability values of the reservoir rocks were 9.47 mD, 6.45 mD and 4.67 mD, while average porosity values were 14.57%, 17.4% and 16.75%, with average volume of shale 25.7%, 23.5% and 9.7% at Mpera splay, Mpera deep sand 1 and Mpera deep sand 2 respectively. These results signify poor permeability; good porosity and good quality reservoir in terms of vo- lume of shale. Fluid type defined in the reservoirs was basically water. High water saturation (90.6% - 97.7%) in the reservoir zones of the Mpera well in- dicates that the proportion of void spaces occupied by water is high, thus, in- dicating less than 10% hydrocarbon saturation. The findings indicate that Mpera well reservoir rocks are of low quality with non-hydrocarbon bearing such that it is not potential for hydrocarbon production.
Reservoir, Hydrocarbon, Lithology, Mpera, Offshore
Mheluka, J.M. and Mulibo, G.D. (2018) Petrophysical Analysis of the Mpera Well in the Exploration Block 7, Offshore Tanzania: Implication on Hy- drocarbon Reservoir Rock Potential. Open Journal of Geology, 8, 803-818.