International Action Plan for Spotted Ground Thrush Zoothera guttata

BirdLife International is a global Partnership of people working for birds and the environment that is present in more than 100 countries. Over five million people support the BirdLife Partnership of national non-governmental conservation organisations (Partners) and local networks (Site Support Groups or IBA Caretakers). The BirdLife Partnership works together on shared priorities, programmes, and policies, learning from each other to achieve real conservation results. Each BirdLife Partner or Partner Designate represents a unique geographic area or territory (most often a country). In addition to Partners, BirdLife has Affiliates and a flexible system of working groups, (including some Bird Specialist Groups shared with Wetlands International and/or the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of the World Conservation Union (IUCN), each with specific roles and responsibilities. The BirdLife Partnership in Africa comprises 17 autonomous organisations in 18 countries that together have over 30,000 members and over 300 paid staff (see back cover).