Fisheries Management Science Programme: An overview of developmental impact to 2005
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As the Programmes run under the Renewable Natural Resources Research Strategy
(RNRRS) are drawing to a close in 2006 the DFID Central Research Team (CRT) are
interested in establishing the impact of the Programmes. This will allow the CRT to
identify lessons for future natural resources research that they may wish to
commission. The central objective for DFID is that the research commissioned under
the RNRRS Programmes results in significant positive impacts on the livelihoods1
the poor in developing countries. The goal of the Renewable Natural Resources
Research Strategy (RNRRS) has been to reduce poverty, promote economic growth
and mitigate environmental problems. This has been achieved by focussing on
enhancing productive capacity in renewable natural resources by removing
researchable constraints. While it is widely believed that the Programmes have had a
positive impact, there is a need for quantitative and qualitative evidence to show that
this has indeed been the case. Currently, the responsibility for establishing the
impact of commissioned research lies with DFID, as the DFID RNRRS Guidance
notes for Programme Managers (October 2000) state:
Arthur, R., Fisher, E., Mwaipopo, R., Irz, X. and Thirtle, C., 2005. Fisheries Management Science Programme: An overview of developmental impact to 2005. MRAG Ltd, London, 168pp.