Assessment of Traditional Environmental Knowledge Systems Applied to Climate Change and Variability Adaptation in Rombo District, Tanzania

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This study was done to assess the efficacy of traditional environmental knowledge systems (TEKS) applied to climate change and variability adaptation in Rombo District, Tanzania. Different methods of data collection, analysis and presentation were employed for sensible report. Results indicate the study community have, to some extent, managed to withstand the effects of climate change and variability and other stressors by employing TEKS. The devised adaptation strategies to crop failure resulted from climate change and variability can be related to agronomic techniques, social coherence and livelihood diversification. The efficacy of the devised adaptation strategies were hindered by small land sizes, location, insolvency, technical knowhow, and climate change and variability. For effective adaptation to climate change and variability, multidisciplinary approaches that consider location and socio-economic characteristics of individuals are recommended.
Climate Change and Variability, Traditional Environmental Knowledge Systems