Modelling Nitrogen Transformation and Removal in Primary Facultative Ponds

This paper presents a dynamic rational model for nitrogen transformation in primary facultative ponds. The results show that, the dominant mechanism for nitrogen removal was sedimentation of organic nitrogen (9.7%). The major nitrogen transformation route was through mineralization (19.2%) followed by ammonia uptake by microorganisms (17.4%) and nitrification (2.4%). Denitrification process was another possible route for removal of nitrogen (4.1%), but volatilisation played a negligible role (0.1%). Approximately 38.8% of nitrogen flowing to primary facultative pond did not undergo any transformation. It was further found out that 8.3% of influent nitrogen was unaccounted for, which might be lost through seepage to the ground or evaporation. Nitrogen contained in microorganisms accounted for 50% of the total nitrogen in the final effluent.
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Nitrogen transformation, Nitrogen removal, Modelling, Primary facultative pond
Senzia, M.A., Mayo, A.W., Mbwette, T.S.A., Katima, J.H.Y. and Jørgensen, S.E., 2002. Modelling nitrogen transformation and removal in primary facultative ponds. Ecological Modelling, 154(3), pp.207-215.