Optimized Production of Lignin Peroxidase, Manganese Peroxidase and Laccase in Submerged Cultures of Trametes Trogii Using Various Growth Media Compositions

A white-rot fungus, Trametes trogii, was isolated from coastal Tanzania and screened for crude lignolytic enzymes production using Rhemazol Brilliant blue R (RBBR) dye, 2,2-azino-bis (3- ethylbenzthiazoline)-6-sulfonate (ABTS) and guaiacol in a semi-solid medium. Lignin peroxidase (LiP), manganese peroxidase (MnP) and Laccase (Lac) were detected by pyrogallol and !- napthol solutions, respectively on the guaiacol supplemented solid media. The effect of temperature, pH, carbon, nitrogen, Cu2+, 2,5-xylidine, ferulic acid, varatryl alcohol and Mn2+ in submerged culture fermentations were investigated for maximum enzymes production. After 7 days of incubation, 72-100% oxidation of RBBR, ABTS and guaiacol was observed. With optimized culture conditions, the fungal filtrate had maximum LiP, MnP and Lac activities of 0.18, 4.44 and 593 U/ml, respectively compared to 0.0011, 0.0054 and 2.3 U/ml obtained with non-optimized ones, amounting to 16,264%, 82,122% and 25,683% increase in LiP, MnP and Lac activities, respectively. The enhanced crude enzymes activities, RBBR decolorization and ABTS guaiacol oxidation capabilities of T. trogii show its potential as a source of industrial enzymes for biotechnological applications.
Optimization, Trametes trogii, Lignin peroxidase, Manganese peroxidase, Laccase, Fermentation, Submerged
Patrick, F., Mtui, G., Mshandete, A.M. and Kivaisi, A., 2010. Optimized Production of Lignin Peroxidase, Manganese Peroxidase and Laccase in Submerged Cultures of Trametes Trogii Using Various Growth Media Compositions. Tanzania Journal of Science, 36(1).