Predicting Public Servants’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior through Work-Life Balance Initiatives: Evidence from Medics in Tanzania’s Government Hospitals
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University of dar es Salaam
Abstract Despite gaining substantial recognition and being highly advocated for adoption, the concepts of work-life balance and organizational citizenship behavior are still underresearched in public service, especially in developing countries. This study examines the influence of work-life balance on dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior among medical staff members in Tanzania. A cross-sectional survey was employed to collect data from 335 stratified randomly selected medics working in hospitals operating under Local Government Authorities. The Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modelling technique was used in data analysis with the help of Amos software version 21. Results show that work-life balance initiatives have a positive and significant influence on organizational citizenship behavior. The study findings provide evidence of the applicability of the link between work-life balance and organizational citizenship behavior, as postulated in Social Exchange Theory, in the under-researched public service. The study implication for different stakeholders is presented at the end of the paper.
Organization citizenship behavior, work-life balance, medics, healthcare facilities
Mella, C., Sanga, J. J., & Kessy, S. S. (2022). Predicting Public Servants’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior through Work-Life Balance Initiatives - Evidence from Medics in Tanzania’s Government Hospitals. ORSEA Journal, Vol. 12(2), 90-105