Evaluation of Continuous Host-Parasitoid Models

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Academic Journals
In this paper the performance of continuous host-parasitoid models were investigated. The parameter values for several well-known models: Lotka-volterra, Holling Tanner Type 2, Holling Tanner Type 3, Leslie, Bazykin, Beddington-DeAngelis, Yodzis and Rosenzwing-Macarthur models were estimated. The models were tested on 40 consecutive sets of time series data collected at 14 days interval for pest and parasitoid population obtained from a highland cabbage growing area in Eastern Kenya. Model parameters were estimated from the minimization of the loss functions between the theoretical and experimental time series datasets following the Nelder-Mead multidimensional method. Initial values of population size and parameters were randomly chosen. Durbin-Watson statistic was applied for comparison of model outputs and experimental population trajectories. Among the eight different hostparasitoid models, Holling Tanner model Type 3 presented relatively better approximations compared to the other models.
Diamondback moth, Population dynamics, Model parameters estimation, Biological control, Parasitoid impact
Mwalusepo, S., Tonnang, H.E. and Massawe, E.S., 2011. Evaluation of continuous host-parasitoid models. African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research, 4(2), pp.39-54.