The Integrated Assessment of Organic Agriculture in Tanzania Policy Options for Promoting Production and Trading Opportunities for Organic Agriculture

This report presents an Integrated Assessment of organic agriculture (OA) in Tanzania, with cashew nut, honey and coffee as case studies of organically produced crops. It is intended to provide a justification for more policy support to OA sub-sector. The study is part of a wider East African programme supported by UNEP-UNCTAD-Capacity Building Task Force (CBTF) on Trade, Environment and Development to promote organic agriculture production and trade. ENVIROCARE1 is facilitating the implementation of the project in Tanzania under the overall guidance of the Tanzania Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives.
Mella, E.E., Kulindwa, K., Shechambo, F. and Mesaki, S., 2007. The integrated assessment of organic agriculture in Tanzania: policy options for promoting production and trading opportunities for organic agriculture.