Petrophysical Analysis of Reservoirs Rocks at Mchungwa Well in Block 7 Offshore, Tanzania: Geological Implication on the Reservoir Quality

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Scietntific Research Publishing
The present work highlights the results of the study conducted to estimate the petrophyiscal properties of the Mchungwa well with the aim of assessing the quality of reservoirs rocks. A set of well logs data from Mchungwa well were used for the analysis that involved identification of lithology, hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon zones and determinations of petrophysical parameters such as shale volume, porosity, permeability, fluid saturation and net pay thickness. This study was able to mark six sandstone zones with their tops and bases. Of the six zones hydrocarbon indication was observed on four zones from which estimation of petrophysical parameters was done to assess the re- servoirs quality. The petrophysical parameters across the four reservoirs yield an average shale volume ranging from 0.08 to 0.15 v/v. The porosity ranges from 7% to 23%, indicating a fair to good porosity sandstone, while permea- bility ranges from 0.01 to 6 mD. The porosity and permeability results suggest that the quality of the sandstone reservoirs identified at Mchungwa well is poor. Fluid types defined in the reservoirs on the basis of neutron-density log signatures and resistivity indicate a mixture of water and gas. However, high water saturation (50% - 100%) indicates that the proportion of void spaces occupied by water is high, thus, indicating low hydrocarbon saturation of 2.4%, 17.9%, 19.2% and 39.3%. Generally the results show that hydrocarbon potentiality at Mchungwa well is extremely low because of small net pay thickness and very low hydrocarbon saturation. This could be attributed to the geology of the surrounding area where low hydrocarbon saturation sug- gest the presence of non-commercial volumes of either migrant gas or gas generated from the interbedded claystone sediments, which are dominant in the observed well.
Offshore, Tanzania, Hydrocarbon, Reservoir, Petrophysical
Mjili, A.S. and Mulibo. G.D. (2018) Petrophysical Analysis of Reservoirs Rocks at Mchungwa Well in Block 7 Offshore, Tanzania: Geological Implication on the Reservoir Quality. Open Journal of Geology, 8, 764-780.