Rural Communities’ Healthcare Governance Partnerships: a Lay Participant Perspective”
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The Second Annual Conference of the Social Sciences (August 31 to September 1 2015)
This paper analyzes the capability and influence of rural community actors in community-based healthcare governance
partnerships, namely the Health Facility Governance Committees (HFGCs) using the Lay Participant perspective. Practical
evidences are drawn from a mixed methods study conducted in Karagwe and Morogoro districts between May 2013 and March
2015. The analysis shows that all community actors, especially individual community members, community representatives,
elected community leaders, informal community groups, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) as well as Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs) have pertinent weaknesses that make them unable to contribute effectively towards enforcing
accountability of public officials and health services providers. The main reason is that, the design and social context of rural
communities make partnerships for empowerment partnerships for disempowerment. In conclusion, community-based
healthcare governance partnerships cannot work best in the current context of Tanzanian rural communities. Therefore, there
is a need for rational capacity building interventions aimed at empowering all the defined community actors and
transformational redesign of the community healthcare governance systems.
Community-Based Accountability; Rural Communities; Community-Health Partnerships, Health Facility Commitees; Tanzania.
7. Damian, R.S. (2015), “Rural Communities’ Healthcare Governance Partnerships: a Lay Participant Perspective”, a Paper Presented during the 2nd Voice of Social Science International Conference to be held from 29 August to 1 September 2015 at Bank of Tanzania Conference Centre, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania