Review of Literature for a Climate Vulnerability Assessment in the RUMAKI Seascape, Tanzania

WWF’s Coastal East Africa Initiative (CEAI) is an umbrella programme that provides regional strategic support to the work of WWF country offices in Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique. The CEAI was launched in 2010 and has a technical team based in Dar es Salaam. Priority areas of work include: v Natural resources governance in nine priorities landscapes & seascapes (see Fig.1.1 below) v Governance of Western Indian Ocean tuna fisheries v Fisheries certification, especially shrimp fisheries in Mozambique v Africa-China natural resources trade, especially timber v Climate change adaptation Within the CEAI, the climate change adaptation programme was initiated early in 2011 and aims to ensure that WWF’s conservation programme in coastal Eastern Africa recognizes and addresses the impacts of global climate change on priority ecosystems, and on communities that depend on them. In particular, during the period 2012 – 2015 the CEAI is supporting five priority landscapes to undertake climate change vulnerability assessments and to develop and implement climate change adaptation strategies, where possible integrated into existing or new natural resources management strategies and plans.
Tumbo, M., Mangora, M.M., Pauline, N.M. and Kuguru, B., 2015. Review of Literature for a Climate Vulnerability Assessment in the RUMAKI Seascape, Tanzania.