Solid Supported Ruthenium Complexes for Olefin Metathesis

Immobilization of ruthenium metathesis catalysts on solid supports has attracted much attention in recent years since it opens up the possibility for easy catalyst–product separation and catalyst reuse as well as reduction of the residual ruthenium content in the organic product. The state of the art on immobilization of ruthenium based metathesis initiators on solid supports is surveyed in this review. In addition, a comparison of the performance of the heterogenized catalysts with homogeneous analogues is made.
Alkylidene, Immobilization, Inorganic supports, Heterogeneous catalysis, Olefin Metathesis, Polymeric supports, Ruthenium carbenes, Ruthenium
B Hamad, F., Kai, C., Cai, Y., Xie, Y., Lu, Y., Ding, F., Sun, Y. and Verpoort, F., 2013. Solid Supported Ruthenium Complexes for Olefin Metathesis. Current Organic Chemistry, 17(22), pp.2592-2608.