Adaptation to Climate Change - Induced Malaria and Cholera in the Lake Victoria Region

Climate change, Cholera, lake victoria
17. Yanda, P.Z., Wandiga, S. O., Kangalawe, R., Opondo, M., Olago, D., Githeko, A., Githui, F., Marshall, M., Downs. T., Opere, A., Kangalawe, R., Kabumbuli, R., Kirumira, E., Kathuri, J., Apindi, E., Olaka, L. Ogallo, L. Mugambi, P., Sigalla, R., Nanyunja, R., Baguma, T. and Achola, P. (2007): Adaptation to Climate Change - Induced Malaria and Cholera in the Lake Victoria Region. Accepted for Publication as a Chapter in the AIACC Adaptation Book.