Dual-band Circular Patch Antenna for wideband application

A Circular Patch Antenna for wideband application is presented in this paper. The antenna has been designed, simulated and fabricated on an FR4 substrate with dielectric constant (εr) of 4.4 and thickness of 1.6mm. A dual feed approach has been used in the design of the proposed wideband antenna. The dual-band circular patch antenna is smaller than the conventional antenna for wideband application. The final optimized design is 40×50mm2. The measured and simulated return loss results and simulated radiation pattern results of proposed antenna has been presented.
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Antenna measurements, Antenna radiation patterns, Dual band, Loss measurement, Patch antennas, Wideband
Alabidi, E.S., Kamarudin, M.R., Rahman, T.A., Iddi, H.U. and Jamlos, M.F., 2013, July. Dual-band Circular Patch Antenna for wideband application. In Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), 2013 IEEE (pp. 2125-2126). IEEE.