Quality of Civic Education Materials to Promote Democracy in Context of a Market-Led Education System: Conceptual and Pedagogical Issues, Existing Materials and Gaps

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This study shares the concerns of professional educators and international education agencies UNESCO, the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), and the Teacher Education in Sub Saharan Africa (TESSA) that in order for the developing world to achieve the Jomtien 1990 and Dakar 2000 declarations about access and quality of education, it is necessary to go beyond conventional methods of delivery. While it acknowledges the inevitability of adopting Open and Distance Learning (ODL) approaches as well as the design, development and sharing of Open Educational Resources (OERs) within and across countries and educational institutions, this article critically examines the impact of market-led education policy on the availability and quality of civics school texts. The author recommends for concerted efforts of local and international professional agencies in building capacity for developing and sharing of OERs for the benefit of teachers and students in Tanzania..
Civic education, Instructional Design, Open and Distance Learning, Open Educational Resources, Pre-service teachers, Tanzania
Komba, W.L., Quality of civic education materials to promote democracy in context of a market-led education system: Conceptual and pedagogical issues, existing materials and gaps.