Uterine Contraction Induced by Tanzanian Plants Used to Induce Abortion

Ethnopharmacological relevance Women in Tanzania use plants to induce abortion. It is not known whether the plants have an effect. Aims of study Collect data on plant use in relation to induced abortion and test the effect of plant extracts on uterine contraction. Materials and methods During interviews with traditional birth attendants and nurses, plants were identified. Cumulative doses of plant extracts were added to rat uterine tissue in an organ bath, and the force and frequency of contractions recorded. Acetylcholine was used as positive control.
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Abortion, Tanzania, Traditional medicine, Uterine contraction
Nikolajsen, T., Nielsen, F., Rasch, V., Sørensen, P.H., Ismail, F., Kristiansen, U. and Jäger, A.K., 2011. Uterine contraction induced by Tanzanian plants used to induce abortion. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 137(1), pp.921-925.