Artisanal Fisher Migration Patterns in Coastal East Africa

Migration is a feature of most small-scale fisheries across the world and has previously been described inspatial and temporal terms. This study assessed spatial and temporal migration patterns of fishers inKenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique from October 2009 to March 2010 covering important migrant fi shersdestinations on the coast. The concentrations, fishing destinations, routes, frequency as well as sea-sonality of migrant fishers in each of the countries were assessed using 192 surveys at 9 sites and 127semi-structured interviews at 25 sites. Migrations in Kenya and Tanzania were mainly seasonal while inMozambique circular migrations were common and lasted far longer. Fishers from Pemba, Unguja andNampula were the most experienced migrant fishers in terms of the numbers involved and their abilityto migrate to distant destinations. The region is likely to experience increasing influxes of migrant fishersdue to increasing fi sher numbers, fisheries governance, and other factors that provide an environmentconducive to migration. The small scales of operation of the local co-management structures, the lack ofmonitoring ability and the limited knowledge about activities of migrant fishers requires a sharedregional approach in terms of fisheries management with specific attention to issues concerning migrantfishers.
Fishers' movement, Seasonality, Small-scale fisheries, Western Indian Ocean
Wanyonyi, I.N., Wamukota, A., Mesaki, S., Guissamulo, A.T. and Ochiewo, J., 2016. Artisanal fisher migration patterns in coastal East Africa. Ocean & Coastal Management, 119, pp.93-108.