Alahmed, AhmedAlafif, OmarAbdalla, Abdi TMuqaibel, Ali2020-01-102020-01-102016 through-the-wall radar imaging (TWRI), pathloss can result in misleading targets. The fact that distant targets experience more path-Ioss than near targets is an essential feature of propagating signals. This paper proposes a path-Ioss compensator, which reverts the unavoidable loss in power by using different path-Ioss models. This will be effectively done by developing and incorporating the path-Ioss compensator matrix. The signal model is generalized so that it includes the front wall reflections. Many research papers in the field do not account for the differences in the propagation losses of the paths due to its complexity and mutable behavior, wh ich can bring great difficulties to establish distance path-Ioss model. Simulation and experimental results are presented to show how the proposed approach can efficiently compensate for far targets and thus enhancing the signal-to-c1utter ratio and reducing the normalized mean square erroren-USPATH LOSSSIGNAL PROPAGATIONSIGNAL TO CLUTTER RATIOTHROUGH THE WALL RADAR IMAGINGPath-loss Compensation in Through-the-wall Radar ImagingConference Proceedings