Magingo, Francis S.Dick, J.2016-09-212016-09-212001-02Magingo, F.S.S. and Dick, J.M., 2001. Propagation of two miombo woodland trees by leafy stem cuttings obtained from seedlings. Agroforestry systems, 51(1), pp.49-55. text can be accessed at rooting ability of leafy stem cuttings harvested from four to five month old seedlings of B. spiciformis Benth and P. angolensis DC was tested in low-technology non-mist propagators suitable for the rural tropics. Both species were successfully rooted; P. angolensis was a faster rooting species (86% after 61 days) compared with B. spiciformis (59% after 154 days). Regression analysis suggested that P. angolensis had more stored carbohydrates, which facilitated its rooting while B. spiciformis was more dependant on current assimilates produced during the period of propagation. The results of this study suggest that it is possible to develop clones of genetically superior trees of B. spiciformis and P. angolensis for use in agroforestry or reforestation programmes.enPropagation of two Miombo Woodland Trees by Leafy Stem Cuttings Obtained from SeedlingsJournal Article10.1023/A:1006425509228