Washa B., Washa2016-05-272016-05-272014-04Tanzania Journal of Natural and Applied sciences stylehttp://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11810/2303Dalbergia melanoxylon needs a serious propagation and conservation to serve it from extinctionA study was conducted to assess the effective type of cutting in rooting of Dalbergia melanoxylon, a woody and non-domesticated species but of highly valued wood and wide spread in tropical Africa and overharvested. Softwood, semi-hardwood, hardwood and root cuttings were excised in wet season and dry season 2010. Soil rhizosphere of the sampled plants was used as potting media in a non-mist propagator in a split plot design. Rooting test was monitored for 3 months during the two seasons. Parameters recorded during the experiment included the proportion of cuttings that rooted, callused, sprouted and the number of roots per cutting. The data were analyzed according to objectives and variables of the study using SPSS software. Results from each experiment were analyzed separately using ANOVA in SPSS software, while differences between treatment means were compared using DDuunnccaann Multiple Range Test. Results indicated 100% rooting softwood cuttings, 37% in root cuttings and none of the semi-hardwood and hardwood cuttings rooted. Softwood cuttings of less than 15gms outperformed others in rooting of D. melanoxylon followed by root cuttings. Plant propagators are advised to use softwood cuttings.enDalbergia melanoxylon, non-mist propagator, root cuttings, semi-hardwood, softwoodResearch Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCESEffective Cutting type in the Rooting of Dalbergia melanoxylon in TanzaniaJournal Article, Peer Reviewed