Koleleni, Yusuf I. A.2016-06-032016-06-032002Koleleni, Y.I.A., 2002. Environmental air degradation in Dar es Salaam by X-ray fluorescence. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 37(3), pp.385-398.http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11810/2386In Dar es Salaam a study of the aerosol contents was conducted and particulate matter on the filters were collected using an AndersenTM PM10 impactor to determine the environmental air pollution. The contents were determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis. In this study sources of environmental degradation and the concentrations were named as follows: Combustion processes with range of Br from 10 to 800 ng/m3, Pb from 30 to 790 ng/m3. Industrial processes with range of Fe from 37 to 883 ng/m3, Cu from 14 to 310 ng/m3, Zn from 6 to 820 ng/m3. Top soil activities with range of K from 20 to 540 ng/m3, Ca from 24 to 3805 ng/m3, Ti from 2 to 59 ng/m3, Mn from 10 to 386 ng/m3. Marine processes with range of Cl from 20 to 310 ng/m3, S from 72 to 134 ng/m3.enEnvironmentAerosolX-ray fluorescenceImpactorEnvironmental Air Degradation in Dar es Salaam by X-Ray FluorescenceJournal Article, Peer Reviewed10.1081/ESE-120002836