Lyeme, HalidMushi, AllenYaw, Gyekye2018-11-232018-11-2320172307-7743 waste management is a challenging problem in developing nations. The health and environmental negative implications associated with solid waste management are very serious particularly in the developing nations where a large percent of waste is dumped into open areas. These implications are essentially on climate change and global warming due to environmental problems. In this paper, a multiobjective optimization model is developed to address the conflicting objectives of cost minimization, minimization of final waste disposal to the landfill, and environmental impact minimization. The model follows a mixed-integer programming formulation and tested by data from selected wards in Dar es Salaam city. The output is the best location of recycling plants, separating plants, composting plants, incinerating plants, landfill and waste flow allocation between them. The solution shows a high reduction of the amount of waste to the landfill and greenhouse gas emissions by 76% and 55.2% respectively compared to the current systemenCombinatorial optimization, Greenhouse Gases, Multi-objective Modeling, Mixed Integer Programming, Solid Waste ManagementMulti-Objective Optimization Model Formulation for Solid Waste Management in Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaJournal Article