Fundisha, Evarist2020-07-152020-07-152020-07 to climate change has been treated as an issue in developed countries whereas adaptation is seen as a priority for the developing countries. The study assessed the effectiveness of traditional mitigation measures and practices to climate change in Rombo District, Tanzania. Data were collected by questionnaire, interview and focus group discussion. Results indicate that the majority of household heads had resorted to tree planting aimed at mitigating climate change. The study found that education, land size and funds were among the stumbling blocks toward effective traditional mitigation measures and practices to climate change. The study recommends involvement of local people in tree planting campaigns coupled with awareness creation on the sustainable climate change mitigation at local levels.enTraditional Mitigation Measures and Practices, Climate ChangeTRADITIONAL MITIGATION MEASURES AND PRACTICES TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN ROMBO DISTRICT, TANZANIAJournal Article, Peer Reviewedorg/10.46587/JGR.2020.v06i02.002