Kabigumila, Jonathan D.2016-06-152016-06-151998Kabigumila, J., 1998. Efficacy of Leopard Tortoise (Gepchelone pardalis babcocki) Farming in Tanzania.http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11810/2497Assessment of the efficacy of leopard tortoise farming was made in Dar es Salaam and Arusha between June and July 1995. Three out of four farms held parental stocks in excess of the legal quota. Some farms also held stocks of mixed provenance, unsuitable for farming. None of the farms had suitable enclosures. Drinking and bathing water was not changed frequently resulting dirt contamination. Few grasses and no mineral supplements were included in the tortoise diet. No regular veterinary inspection was made for parasite removal. The farms underreported tortoise deaths. The reproductive output of the captive tortoise was generally poor. Furthermore, farm owners lacked the expertise and commitment required for breeding tortoises in captivity. Farming cannot sustain the leopard tortoise export trade under the present breeding regime. The study concludes with recommendations for improving tortoise farming in Tanzania.enTanzaniaLeopard tortoiseFarmingExport tradeEfficacy of Leopard Tortoise (Gepchelone pardalis babcocki) Farming in TanzaniaJournal Article, Peer Reviewed10.14989/68179