John, Philpo2018-03-012018-03-012016-12iii. John, P. (2016). “Language Curriculum Design in Tanzania Primary Education: emerging issues” In: The 3rd Annual Conference Book of Proceedings on Language and Education, 27-35. Moshi: Mwenge Catholic University paper presents contemporary issues worth-considering in the primary education language curriculum design decisions in Tanzania. It argues that although language syllabuses have been changed to respond to the skill-based teaching and learning approach, in the effort to implement curriculum reforms conducted in 2005 and new Education and Training Policy (ETP) (URT,2014), yet there are some other language related skills that are missing in the primary education language curriculum.This paper presents contemporary issues worth-considering in the primary education language curriculum design decisions in Tanzania. The paper argues that although language syllabuses have been changed to respond to the skills/competence-based teaching and learning approach, in the effort to implement curriculum reforms conducted in 2005 and new Education and Training Policy (ETP)(URT,2014), yet there are some other language related skills that need to be accommodated in the primary education language curriculum. Using literature evidence, the paper argues that, ICT/Multi-literacies, media literacy, tourism language, trade and commerce language rhetoric, and job market language skills are not adequately represented in the language curriculum currently in use in Tanzania primary education. If at all we are moved by social efficiency and learner-centred ideologies in curriculum design and development, we need to consider skills that a school leaver will be able to do to overcome challenges of the contemporary world of work. For that reason, language curriculum developers need to consider these skills and make them part of the curriculum.enLanguage curriculum, primary education, language and literacy, contemporary issuesLanguage Curriculum Design in Tanzania Primary Education: Emerging IssuesLanguage Curriculum Design in Tanzania Primary Education: Emerging IssuesConference Proceedings