Magingo, Francis S.Oriyo, Ndekya M.Kivaisi, Amelia K.2016-09-212016-09-212004-04Magingo, F.S., Oriyo, N.M., Kivaisi, A.K. and Danell, E., 2004. Cultivation of Oudemansiella tanzanica nom. prov. on agricultural solid wastes in Tanzania. Mycologia, 96(2), pp.197-204. edible mushroom Oudemansiella tanzanica nom. prov., which is new to science, has been studied as a potential crop to reduce agricultural solid wastes and increase domestic mushroom production. The substrates sawdust, sisal waste and paddy straw supplemented with chicken manure resulted in the highest biological efficiencies of any mushroom cultivated in Tanzania so far. In addition, the mushroom has one of the shortest cultivation cycles at 24 d. Despite the fact that the mushroom extracts substantial amounts of nutrients, the spent substrate can be used as fodder, as a soil conditioner and fertilizer and in bioremediation.enCultivation of Oudemansiella Tanzanica nom. prov. on Agricultural Solid Wastes in TanzaniaJournal Article, Peer Reviewed