Jesse, James2016-02-092016-02-092011-04LRJ article examines the rights of the beneficiaries of the Right to Information (RTI) and particularly their right to access official information controlled or disposed of by public bodies. The RTI is part of the right to free speech and expression. The RTI is a crucial human right. A number of different terms are used to describe the same right viz., freedom of information, right to information, right to know and right of access to information. The discussion in this article is focused in examining the extent to which the right of access to information in Tanzania is actually enjoyed and the nature of legal regime pertaining to this right. The article assesses whether the existing legal framework is adequate to support access to information. It also examines specific legal restrictions that threaten or inhibit access to official informationenAccess to InformationFreedom of SpeechThe Right of Access to Information as a Human Right: Tanzanian PerspectiveJournal Article, Peer Reviewed