Mandara, R. G. RKimambo, C. Z. M.Chungu, A. S.Adeniji, K.Salawu, R. I.2016-03-092016-03-092000-07Mandara, R. G. R., Kimambo, C. Z. M. and Chungu, A. S., in Adeniji, K. and Salawu, R. I. (Eds.), “Techno-Entrepreneurial Approach to Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technologies in Africa”, Proceedings of the 7th OAU/STRC Inter-African Committee Meeting on New, Renewable and Solar Energies: Solar and Renewable Energy for Poverty Alleviation, 20th - 24th March 2000, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Organisation of African Unity - Scientific Technological and Research Commission, Lagos, Nigeria, July 2000, pp. 131 - 164. Approach to Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technologies in AfricaConference Proceedings