Kindt, RoelandLillesø, Jens-P. B.Breugel, Paulo V.Dudley, C.Gachathi, FrancisDemissew, SebsebeKalema, James2016-06-262016-06-262013-12Kindt, R., Lillesø, J.P.B., Breugel, P., Bingham, M., Demissew, S., Dudley, C., Friis, I., Gachathi, F., Kalema, J., Mbago, F. and Moshi, H.N., 2014. Correspondence in forest species composition between the Vegetation Map of Africa and higher resolution maps for seven African countries. Applied Vegetation Science, 17(1), pp.162-171. text can be accessed at distanceEthiopiaFrank WhiteIndicator speciesKenyaKulczynski distanceMalawiMalawiPhytochorionRwandaTanzaniaZambiaCorrespondence in Forest Species Composition Between The Vegetation Map Of Africa And Higher Resolution Maps For Seven African CountriesJournal Article: 10.1111/avsc.12055