Mwantimwa, KelefaKassim, MohamedMwabungulu, Elias2021-04-302021-04-302019-11Mwantimwa,Kelefa, Kassim, Mohamed & Mwabungulu, Elias (2019). Enhancing Reading Culture among University Learners in Tanzania. Policy Brief Presented at the 2nd Annual Conference on Research and Inclusive at the 2nd Annual Conference on Research and Inclusive Development, Bridging the Gap: Connecting Research to Policy, 14th-15th November 2019. Organized by UDSMThe poor reading culture reported among learners in higher learning institutions does not just affect the usage of library resources and services but also the quality of workforce available in the nation. Though the problem of poor reading culture is more pronounced in higher learning institutions and its effects on the job sector, its presence has been attributable to the failure to introduce learners to culture of reading early enough. This has resulted from the absence or poor quality of library services in primary and secondary schools. This brief, therefore, recommends for the construction of libraries in primary and secondary schools; improvement of higher learning assessment modes, reviewing of the National Higher Learning and Education and Training Policies, strengthening information literacy training, ensuring the availability of reading materials in primary and secondary schools; employment of qualified library staff for primary and secondary schools; introduction of teacher-librarian training programmes in collegesenReading cultureHigher learning institutionsEnhancing Reading Culture among University Learners in TanzaniaConference Paper