Mallya, Ernest T.2016-06-262016-06-262007-11 mission statement of the Commonwealth Secretariat, the central organising organ of the activities of the Commonwealth, says that: We work as a trusted partner for all Commonwealth people as a force for peace, democracy, equality and good governance; a catalyst for global consensus-building; and a source of assistance for sustainable development and poverty eradication. This is an all-round statement whose targets are a dream for any country that seeks to build a democratic society with an economy that is vibrant and that caters for everybody in an equitable manner. The statement contains all the ideals we hear from different quarters – whether the United Nations (UN) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and its wider agenda in general, the African Union ( AU) and its Constitutive Act or the East African Community ( EAC) and its Treaty and so on. This forum has principles which, if followed, could make a difference, in many ways, to the diverse situations that exist in the Commonwealth itself. However, these good ideals are bogged down by other facts about the forum, which include the lack of a charter or constitution, the fact that it is a voluntary “club” which members can join or quit as they wish, and the lack of enforcement powers when it comes to sanctions and the like.enConstitutionalismGood GovernanceEast AfricaCommonwealthTanzaniaConstitutionalism and Good Governance in East Africa; The Relevance of the Commonwealth: The Case of TanzaniaConference Paper