Kweka, Opportuna L.Katikiro, Robert E.Minja, Rasul AhmedNamkesa, Faraja D.2020-02-112020-02-112019NEPSUS Working Paper 2019/2ISDN: 978-87-93571-10-5 is a research and capacity building project based at the Centre for Business and Development Studies, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark and the Department of Geography, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Other participating partners are the De partment of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University, and the Sheffield Institute for International Development, University of Sheffield. NEPSUS Working Papers contain work in progress by NEPSUS researchers. They may include documentation which is not necessarily published elsewhere. NEPSUS Working Papers are published under the responsibility of the author(s) alone.This paper compares two type of partnerships for management of coastal resources in Tanzania: Beach Management Units (BMUs) and the Mnazi Bay Ruvuma Estuary Marine Park (MBREMP). It examines their configuration of actors, governance systems and sustainability outcomes. Drawing from a triangulated analysis of interviews, focus groups, surveys, oral histories, participant observation and secondary data, the paper provides a mapping of the actors involved in these partnerships and their networks; and examines their legitimacy in terms of input, process, output and social and ecological outcomes as perceived by local communities living. Preliminary findings suggest that neither partnership seem to have yielded the expected socio-economic and ecological outcomes. Both face governance challenges related to structural, financial and participatory failures. Both are poorly equipped and the funds accrued from fines and fees are not enough to support alternative livelihood activities or provide alternative fishing gear. Communities see these partnerships as focusing on conservation and as having failed to address major social and economic needs. The structures of the BMUs and MBREMP need to be revised thoroughly to improve the actual role of communities and fishers in the governance of coastal resources. This would improve a sense of ownership and increase cooperation and trust. The benefits accrued from the income resulting from fees or fines must be transparent and shared broadly, no matter how small, as it would improve stewardship. Another important way to support fishers and limit pressure on resources near to shore would be to facilitate access to boats and gear to allow them to fish in the deep sea.enGovernance of Coastal Resources in Southern Tanzania: Comparing Beach Management Units and Marine Bay Ruvuma Estuary Marine ParkWorking Paper