Dewan, R.Rahim, S. K. A.Ausordin, S. F.Iddi, Hashim U.2016-04-252016-04-252012Dewan, R., Rahim, S.K.A., Ausordin, S.F. and Iddi, H.U., 2012, September. Improved design of tapering and through element series antenna. In Wireless Technology and Applications (ISWTA), 2012 IEEE Symposium on (pp. 202-205). IEEE.2324-7843 this paper, an array of series fed antenna based on tapering patch width and through element is presented. The antenna has wide impedance bandwidth of 16.18% covering from 5.34 GHz to 6.28 GHz with a gain of 6.53 dBi. The use of through element technique reduces the overall length of array structure by 25.47%. It also has lower side lobe level, and wider impedance bandwidth compared to the past research.enTaperingSide Lobe LevelSeries FedImpedanceBandwidthImproved Design of Tapering and through Element Series AntennaJournal Article, Peer Reviewed10.1109/ISWTA.2012.6373843