Lungo, Juma H.Sheikh, YahyaIgira, FarajaBraa, JørnTitlestad, OlaMahundi, MasoudAbubakar, BakarTwaakyondo, Hashim M.Suleiman, Omar2016-04-012016-04-0120071-905824-04-1 November 2004, the Ministry of Health in Zanzibar and itsstakeholders conducted a HMIS review. The results revealed that the HMIS isfragmented and does notsupport datadriven decision-making. To address theseshortcomings, a roadmap towards development of HMIS was agreed as follows: (1)development of essential datasets, (2) developing and implementing a computer database. The decision was to take theDistrict Health Information Software (DHIS)developed by the Health Information System Programme(HISP) and customise it tofit the context in Zanzibar. HISP is a global project using Action research andParticipatory design approaches to empower the emerging local health managementstructures and health workers through improved and locally based information systems in a number of developingcountries. At the time of writing this paper there is essential datasets and an implemented computer database usedfor data storage, analysis and reportingenOpen SourceDHISInformation SystemsHISPAction ResearchImplementation of ICTs in Health and Management Information System for ZanzibarConference Proceedings