Masabo, Conrad John2017-05-152017-05-152010-06Masabo, C. J., 2010. Pan-African and African Unity: Any Prospects?” Africa Tomorrow, 12(1), 35-61.9989-645-04-6 the close of 50 years of independence, Africa is still yearning for unity despite of the more than 100 years of the initiatives made by the pan-Africanists. The essay addresses important issues of political, economic, social and cultural rebirth of the African continent. It argues that, if the ideas of Pan-Africanism or Africanisms are deeply persuaded they can make Africa successfully in coping with its problems and orient itself in a rapidly globalising world. While there is hope for Africa in the continental unity and pan-African political and economic projects; the paper also points out imperialism and neo-colonialism as the biggest threats to Africa's unity and freedom.enPan-Africanism, Colonialism, Africa, Unity and IndependencePan-Africanism and African Unity: Any Prospects?Journal Article, Peer Reviewed