Amri, E.Lyaruu, H. M. V.Nyomora, Agnes M. S.Kanyeka, Z. L.2016-05-052016-05-052009Amri, E., Lyaruu, H.V.M., Nyomora, A.S. and Kanyeka, Z.L., 2009. Evaluation of provenances and rooting media for rooting ability of African blackwood (Dalbergia melanoxylon Guill. & Perr.) stem cuttings. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 5(4), pp.524-532.1816-1561 text can be accessed at propagation of Dalbergia melanoxylon Guill. & Perr. collected from six provenances was investigated in three rooting media (river sand, forest topsoil and mixture 1: 1 (v/v) of river sand and forest topsoil). The effect of provenance and rooting media were highly Significant (p<0.001) for the percentage rooted stem cuttings. Interactive effect on provenance and rooting media was not significant in all rooting parameters evaluated. The highest and lowest rooting percentages with respect to provenance were 22.7% and 12.4% recorded from Madale and Mikumi respectively. River sand media revealed significant highest rooting ability of cuttings in all rooting parameters among the three media tested (p<0.05). Significant positive correlation (p<0.01) was revealed between rooting parameters while rooting and sprouting parameters were negatively correlated. Vegetative propagation of D. melanoxylon is a means for promotion of this species for domestication, conservation and as an asset for clonal forestry.enDalbergia melanoxylonVegetative propagationEvaluation of Provenances and Rooting Media for Rooting Ability of African Blackwood (Dalbergia Melanoxylon Guill. & Perr.) Stem CuttingsJournal Article, Peer Reviewed