Anatory, JustinianMvungi, Nerey H.Kissaka, Mussa2016-03-022016-03-022005J. Anatory, N.H. MVUNGI and M.M. Kissaka, “Broadband Services Provision in Powerline Communications of Developing Countries”, IEEE International Symposium of Powerline Communications and Applications, (ISPLC05), Vancouver, Canada, April 5-6, 2005, pp376-380 proceedingsRecently it has been identified that powerline network is the promise cost effective for broadband accessibility compared to competitors technology. Since, powerline channel has been designed to provide electricity, using it for broadband communication various issues have to be addressed. These include channel characterization, noise, modulation to be used, coding etc. The topology of powerline network affects the transfer characteristics of the channel. In this paper the powerline channel problems have been modeled for utilization by broadband access. In addition different techniques such as application of modulation, and coding have been addressed and the simulation results have been discussed.enpowerlinecommunicationchannel charactesationcodingbroadband accessBroadband Services Provision in Powerline Communications of Developing CountriesConference Proceedings