Omari, ArthurSaid, Mahir M.Njau, Karoli N.John, Geoffrey R.Mtui, Peter2016-05-132016-05-132014-012224-32322225-0573 study of energy recovery from municipal solid waste was undertaken. The energy content of the solid waste is 12MJ/kg. The elemental composition shows that the municipal solid waste contains 50% and 5% of carbon and hydrogen respectively. The energy flow (exothermic and endothermic) and thermal degradation analysis were carried out using differential scanning calorimetry and thermo-gravimetric analyser respectively. Experiments were performed at heating rate of 10 K/min, 20 K/min, 30 K/min and 40 K/min in the nitrogen atmosphere at temperature between room temperature and 1273 K. The thermal degradation kinetic parameters values of activation energy (E a) ranged from 205.9 to 260.6kJ/mol. It has been observed that municipal solid waste is less reactive to combustion as compared to coal and biomass, but its reactivity can be improved through pre-treating process so as to reduce noncombustible materials such as oxygen and ash content. Also pyrolysis and gasification can be used to convert MSW to liquid or gaseous fuel.enMunicipal Solid WasteThermal behaviorThermo gravimetric AnalysisEnergy Recovery routes from Municipal Solid Waste, A case study of Arusha-TanzaniaJournal Article